How to recycle in the school
Here are some suggestions for separate waste collection and recycling at school:
Arrange an area for separate waste collection in your school
Choose an easy accessible area close to the classrooms and put the bins for separate waste collection there. If your school still hasn’t got the separate waste collection bins, contact us and we will help you organize and give a piece of advice in case you need it.
Get to know what waste and how mutch waste is produced in your school
Remember, waste is not produced in classrooms only! To make sure that the separate waste collection system in your school functions well, include all outdoor and indoor areas (eg. offices, staffroom, dining-room, playgrounds etc.). Elementary schools produce an average amount of 45 kg of waste per person annually. Likewise, high schools produce 22 kg of waste per person annually. Generally, waste produced in schools can be divided in two categories: organic waste and paper / cardboard. We suggest to carry out a research which will enable you get to know an approximate amount of waste production in your school and organize sets of bins according to the kind and quantity of waste which is the most suitable for your school.
Include everyone
Everyone can contribute to make recycling in your school successful. The most important part of a successful functioning system is to include all pupils and staff in it. For example, the school kitchen staff can take care of the proper packaging disposal and for bins emptying regularly so they wouldn’t get too full. Charwomen and maintenance men can take care of the separate collection of recyclable waste and its proper disposal.
Clerical workers should reduce the office waste on the place of its production. This means that they should print only documents of absolute importance, to print documents reversely, to collect and recycle used paper.
Pupils can separate their waste as much as possible and dispose it into the proper bins. They must be included in the organization and implementation of the recycling system in their school. They should cooperate with their teachers.
Parents can help, in their capacities, to raise funds for specific activities related to recycling and to support some additional activities such as informing during the PTA meetings or after induction.
Use posters and different emblems to mark the recyclable waste
Find a suitable place in your school and exhibit some informative and educative posters, instruction for separate waste collection and recycling there. This material must be well visible to everyone and must promote the separate waste collection.
Marks and stickers put on the separate collection bins, including outdoor and indoor dumpsters, stimulate people to recycle “now and here”.